понедельник, 10 февраля 2020 г.


Yet another variety of Mutation with Dialect set to a much longer period, moving fully into the land of the weird. Features Graphic Throat Shaping Display allows you to individually adjust the position and width of five points in the vocal tract model. To Upgrade, you will need the Registration Code from your current product. Physical Modeling Vocal Designer. Upgrades to AVOX 4 are available from the following products: Vocal Modeling Harmony Generator. avox throat

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Upgrades to AVOX 4. In The Media Reviews Articles. Perfect for talking guitars, singing synths, whispering voices, and a wide range of special effects.

Processed in real time with one instance of MUTATOR, using automation to vary the pitch shift, throat length and width, original and tyroat mix to produce harmonyand even a little alienization. Tames vocal sibilance with a flexible compressor and a variable sidechain frequency to match any vocal performance.

AVOX 4 | The Ultimate Vocal Production Plug-In Bundle from Antares

To Upgrade, you will need the Registration Code from your current product. The ideal tool for unique vocal special effects and post-production sound design. All at a tthroat savings over purchasing the plug-ins separately. We fully comply with GDPR - you must consent to us collecting this information to subscribe: In this demo, we combine Pitch Shift, Throat Modeling, and one of the 24 varieties of Mutation to turn our vocalist into a demon.


Products Support Upgrades Blog About. Yet another variety of Mutation with Dialect set to a much longer period, moving fully into the land of the weird. The world's first tool for qvox a voice's breathiness independently of its harmonic content. Two vocal parts, tthroat with Harmony Engine Evo. Your subscription could not be saved. Turns a single voice into up to 32 distinct individual unison voices; assign instances of CHOIR to voices singing harmony and voila, instant choir.

Throat EVO - Alter Voices with a Physical Model of the Human Vocal Tract

The CHOIR function is used to thicken up the backing vocals in the first half of the song, while the second half features five-part harmony. Features Avvox Throat Shaping Display allows you to individually adjust the position and width avo five points in the vocal tract model.

Tips and Tricks Video Tutorials Articles. Not compatible with Windows XP. About Artists Press Contact. We fully comply with GDPR - you must consent to us collecting this information to subscribe: Applying Alienization with a medium Dialect setting to the otherwise unaffected vocal.

Process voices through a meticulously crafted physical model of the human vocal tract. The quickest, easiest tool for creating realistic harmonies. I consent to data collection by Antares.

avox throat

Vocal Modeling Harmony Generator. In The Media Reviews Articles. Tips and Tricks Video Tutorials Articles. The AVOX 4 Vocal Toolkit combines 11 of our state-of-the-art vocal processing plug-ins to give you the power you need to create stunning vocal tracks in any musical style, and design unique vocal effects for audio post-production applications.

Breathiness thorat let you add variable frequency noise to the model, resulting in a range of vocal effects from subtle breathiness, to raspiness, avpx a full whisper. Whether to subtly enhance the quality of an existing voice, or to create dramatically unique vocal effects for post production uses, there is simply no other tool as powerful as THROAT EVO.

Your subscription has been successful. Your subscription could not be saved. Be the first to know about throoat products, contests, and special offers from Antares.

avox throat

Sign up for the Auto-Tune Newsletter! Create stunning vocal tracks in any musical style as well as design unique vocal effects for audio post-production.

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